Secrets For The Mad by dodie – Book Review


Well long time no see! Well, it’s not been that long right? (A month *cough*).

However, there is no need to worry as I’m back today with another book review! And that book is Secrets For The Mad by Dodie!

Before I get into my thoughts, here is a little bit of information about this book!

Book Title: Secrets For The Mad

Author: Dodie Clark



Find hope in dark times

When I feel like I’m going mad, I write. A lot of my worst fears have come true; fears that felt so big I could barely hold them in my head. I was convinced that when they happened, the world would end.

But the world didn’t end. In fact, it pushed on and demanded to keep spinning through all sorts of mayhem, and I got through it. And because I persisted, I learned lessons about how to be a stronger, kinder, better human – lessons you can only learn by going through these sorts of things.

This is for the people with minds that just don’t stop; for those who feel everything a thousand times more than others around them. Here are some words I wrote.

My Thoughts

When I found out that Dodie was writing a book, I was so incredibly excited! If you don’t know who this lovely lady is, she is a Musician/YouTuber/wonderful human. I’ve been a fan of Dodie’s YouTube and Music for quite few years now and knew I had to give her book a read as soon as it came out!

The book is a mix of a memoir of Dodie’s experiences in life, whilst also giving advice on such subjects as mental health and relationships. She is a beautiful writer when it comes to her music and the writing for her book is no exception. Every sentence is sweet and soothing. Although the chapters chop and change from theme to theme, the books continues to keep a consistent flow and does not feel messy.

This is definitely one of those books that I wish I could have read when I was younger, as the advice is so helpful and is exactly what teenagers need to hear!

The design of the book is BEAUTIFUL! From the Cover to the Illustrations, the aesthetic screams Dodie’s style and it’s just lovely.

I’m giving this 4 out of 5 stars, I truly adored this book and urge you to give this a read if you are a fan of Dodie!

Whats your favorite book you have read recently? Let me know!

Bye for now!


2 thoughts on “Secrets For The Mad by dodie – Book Review

  1. I’m not one to buy into the whole “YouTuber book” thing but I recently read Grace Victory’s book and absolutely loved it and found the advice invaluable. I’m a fan of Dodie, I think she’s so genuine so her’s is a book I’d definitely love to read. Her videos are so articulate so I have no doubt her book will be too. I’ll have to get a copy of this (: xxx

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